A Welcome from Costa
Understanding what biosecurity experts do can help us as a nation manage things better. The big picture challenges can be solved with lots of little steps.
We’re in this together, side by side with the birds, the bees, the frogs, the insects, the plants, the whole ecosystem. We’re partners, We’re family.
Let’s get the families involved and take it to the nation.
The departments of agriculture and primary industries across Australia have proudly partnered with Costa Georgiadis of Gardening Australia to develop a suite of interactive and digital resources which showcase the importance of biosecurity across Australia.
Join us on Mission: Biosecurity. As you WATCH, PLAY & LISTEN, you’ll discover what Biosecurity is, how it can impact our way of life and how we can all help protect our environment, community and economy from biosecurity baddies. Biosecurity – Be a part of it!
What is Biosecurity?
Biosecurity is the actions and measures taken to protect our environment, community and economy from the entry and spread of pests, weeds, diseases and contaminants. Simply put, Biosecurity prevents invasive pests and diseases destroying our way of life!
The best defence against these ‘biosecurity baddies’ is to prevent them. To do this, you need to know the risks and make sure you carry out sound biosecurity practices to reduce and remove these threats. There are lots of quick and easy measures you can build into everyday practices that will help protect our homes, environment, communities, our farmers and our way of life. Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility - no matter where you live or what your job is. Be a part of it and protect what you love!
Join Costa and Sarah Britton from NSW Department of Primary Industries to find out about biosecurity and why it’s so important.
Learn about the impacts of biosecurity baddies on our environment, economy and communities.
Biosecurity is everyone’s business, be a part of it.