How many weeds can you spot in 2 minutes?African boxthorn | Lycium ferocissimumAfrican Feather Grass | Cenchrus macrourusAlligator weed | Alternanthera philoxeroidesAthel pine | Tamarix aphyllaBellyache bush | Jatropha gossypiifoliaBitou bush | Chrysanthemoides moniliferaBridal creeper | Asparagus asparagoidesBlackberry | Rubus fruticosusBoneseed | Chrysanthemoides moniliferaCabomba | Cabomba carolinianaCape broom | Genista monspessulanaChilean needle grass | Nassella neesianaCat's claw creeper | Dolichandra unguis-catiClimbing asparagus fern | Asparagus plumosusFireweed | Senecio madagascariensisFlax-leaf broom | Genista linifoliaGamba grass | Andropogon gayanusGorse | Ulex europaeusHymenachne | Hymenachne amplexicaulisLantana | Lantana camaraMadeira vine | Anredera cordifoliaMesquite | ProsopisMimosa | Mimosa pigraParkinsonia | Parkinsonia aculeataParthenium weed | Parthenium hysterophorusPrickly pear or rope pear | Cylindropuntia imbricataPond apple | Annona glabraPrickly acacia | Vachellia niloticaRubbervine | Cryptostegia grandifloraSaggitaria | Saggitaria platyphyllaSalvinia | Salvinia molestaSerrated tussock | Nassella trichotomaSilverleaf nightshade | Solanum elaeagnifoliumWater hyacinth | Eichhornia crassipesWillow | SalixAcaena | Acaena ovinaAppleberry | Billardiera scandensAustral bears ear | Cymbonotus preissianusBird's nest fern | Asplenium australasicumBlack wattle tree | Acacia decurrensCabbage tree palms | Livistona australisChristmas Bells | Blandfordia grandifloraDwarf copperleaf | Alternanthera sessilisGrass tree | XanthorrhoeaJointed mistletoe | Viscum articulatumPrickly starwort | Stellaria pungensSilver lady fern | Blechnum gibbumStinking pennywort | Hydrocotyle axifloraSlender rice flower | Pimelea linifoliaStrangler fig | Ficus watkinsianaWaratah | Telopea speciosissimaYellow water fringe | Nymphoides peltataBIOSECURITY CURIOUSYou are clearly curious about weeds and biosecurity. Play again and challenge your friends and family to the quiz. Thanks for being part of our National Biosecurity Challenge.Australia's environment depends on all of us.APPRENTICE BIOSECURITY WARRIORYou are clearly on your way to becoming a Biosecurity Warrior. Play again and challenge your friends and family to the quiz. Thanks for being part of our National Biosecurity Challenge.Australia's environment depends on us.BIOSECURITY WARRIORCongratulations. Challenge your friends and family to play the quiz. Thanks for being part of our National Biosecurity Challenge. Australia's environment can depend on you. PLAY: National Weed Hunt Friend or foe? Take this quiz and find out. But be careful not to get caught in the weeds!